SMART Bausparen

Wüstenrot Smartbausparen is perfect to fulfill a long-standing wish, to build up capital for children or grandchildren or to create a precautionary cushion for a safe future.

Your Advantages

Guaranteed basic interest rate1 of 0,60 % in the first 6 years, followed by 1,50% until the end of the 7th year²
Maturity 10 years (with option to end after 6 years) ³
Up to 43,20 Euro Wüstenrot Bonus¹ after 6 years
Up to 180 Euro Wüstenrot Bonus¹ after 10 years
Save monthly or annually

DenizBank Smart Bausparen
Wüstenrot Earnings Table-Smart Bausparen (German)
DenizSmart Pensioner Account
DenizSmart Pensioner Account
For more information or an appointment please get in contact with us. Call our Contact Center 0800 88 66 00 or visit one of our branches. We will be happy to assist you!
Important Legal Information and Footnotes (in German)