Account management as well as transfers from your Payment Account are free of charge.
Minimum deposit at the time of opening your account is 100 Euro; no maximum deposit amount.
The interest rate is credited to your Daily Due Deposit Account on December 31st of each year.
Interest rate excl. capital gains tax and EU withholding tax
*Interest rate p.a., valid only for retail customers and newly opened daily due accounts from 24.10.2023 until 31.12.2024. After that, the respectively valid interest rate according to our price list applies. For customers who already have a daily due account on 23.10.2023, the online opening of a new daily due account and subsequent deposit transfer to this new account is required. Existing accounts as per 23.10.2023 receive an interest rate of 1% p.a. On 01.01.2025, the new daily due account will be closed and the balance will be transferred to the account previously held with DenizBank.
Co-payments and partial withdrawals are not admissible during the term
The interest is, unless otherwise agreed, capitalized annually and paid into your Payment Account at maturity. Upon maturity of your Time Deposit Account, the money will be transferred back to your Payment Account.
The minimum deposit at opening is 1,000 Euro, the maximum deposit is 1,000,000 Euro.
Interest Rates and Terms
3 Months
6 Months
9 Months
12 Months
18 Months
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
2.450 %
2.400 %
2.300 %
2.250 %
2.150 %
2.250 %
2.300 %
2.000 %
1.900 %
6 Years
7 Years
8 Years
9 Years
10 Years
1.900 %
1.900 %
1.900 %
1.900 %
1.900 %
*Interest rates p.a.valid only for retail customers and until revoked.
The main account will bear an interest rate of 0.01 *% p.a. (on a quarterly basis).
Domestic and international money transfers in Euro are made via Internetbanking and are free of charge.
For each transfer order, which is not made via Internetbanking (e.g. fax or orders via bank counter), a service fee of 1 Euro is charged. The charging is made quarterly.
Interest rate excl. capital gains tax and EU withholding tax
*Interest rates p.a.valid only for retail customers, and valid until revoked.
Payment intervall: monthly, biannual or yearly payment
Opening date: 7th or 20th of each month
Currency: Euro
Minimum Deposit 50 Euro at monthly payment; 300 Euro at biannual payment; 600 Euro at yearly payment
Maximum Deposit: 1,000 Euro at monthly payment; 6,000 Euro at monthly payment; 12,000 Euro at monthly payment
Free of charge, except the postage rate of 0.70 Euro for the postal delivery of the yearly bank statement. This fee does not apply, if you choose to receive your bank statement to your Internet-Banking-Mailbox.
Interest rates: the fixed interest rates are valid for the entire term, the variable interest rates are valid until December 31st of each year. Interest rate excl. capital gains tax and EU withholding tax. The
variable interest rates are calculated in accordance with the special terms and conditions.
5 Years
6 Years
7 Years
8 Years
9 Years
10 Years
Fixed Interest Rates
1.900 %
1.900 %
1.900 %
1.900 %
1.900 %
1.900 %
Variable Interest Rates
4.120 %
4.170 %
4.220 %
4.250 %
4.250 %
4.250 %
*Interest rates p.a.valid only for retail customers, and valid until revoked.
If you have any questions, please contact our Contact Center at our toll-free number 0800 88 66 00. You are also welcome in one of
our branches where our team will be happy to answer your questions.