Daily Due Deposit Account

Benefit from attractive interest rates while managing your account free of charge and enjoy instant access to your money!
3.00 % for all
daily due accounts

Daily Due Deposit Account at DenizBank AG

Your benefits: Save flexibly and profit from attractive interest rates. Now, all DenizBank customers receive 3.00 % p.a. until 30.09.2024.

How does it work? No matter whether you already have a daily due account with DenizBank or not. Open a new online daily due account and transfer your deposit to your new account. Earn interest at 3.00 % p.a. until 30.09.2024 and enjoy instant access to your money!

Your Advantages

Benefit from the interest rate of 3.00 %* p.a.
Easy and instant access to your money
Online account management free of charge
Open a Daily Due Deposit Account

How Do I Open My Account?

Apply for a Payment Account
Select a Savings Product
Secure 3.00 % Interest!
The first step to your Online Deposit Account is to open a Payment Account which is free of charge. This account serves as a Reference Account for all your transactions and has an interest rate of 0.01 %** p.a. Once you have your Payment account, you can open a Daily Due Deposit or a Time Deposit Account.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Daily Due Deposit Account?
What are the fees associated with a Daily Due Deposit Account?
How many Daily Due Deposit Accounts can I open?
What is the minimum deposit for a Daily Due Deposit Account?
How do I pay my deposit?
Can I make domestic and international transfers from my Daily Due Deposit Account?
When will the interest amount be credited to my Daily Due Deposit Account?
*Interest rate p.a., valid only for retail customers and newly opened daily due accounts from 24.10.2023 until 30.09.2024. After that, the respectively valid interest rate according to our price list applies. For customers who already have a daily due account on 23.10.2023, the online opening of a new daily due account and subsequent deposit transfer to this new account is required. Existing accounts as per 23.10.2023 receive an interest rate of 1% p.a. On 01.10.2024, the new daily due account will be closed and the balance will be transferred to the account previously held with DenizBank.

**Interest rates p.a.valid only for retail customers, and valid until revoked.